The Austrian Krump Movement is proud to announce that we will be hosting the EBS Qualifier in Vienna! And as if that wasn’t enough we also have an Allstyles Battle on the Lineup!
In addition to that we will also have Workshops by our guests!

DATE | 9. Juni 2018
TIME | 12.00 – 21.45 Uhr
LOCATION | The Unity Dance, Wehlistraße 66 (Millenium City/ 5 Stock), 1200 Wien

Categories |
– Krump Male
– Krump Female
– Allstyles

Schedule |
– 12:45 – Noscript *Krump* Workshop (Intermediate)
– 13:45 – Kid Tight-Eyez * Krump* Workshop (Beginner/Intermediate)
– 14:45 – P.Dogg *Hip-Hop* Workshop (Intermediate/Advanced)

– until 16:50  Confirming registration for the Battles
– 17:00  Battles Start – Categories will be held in this order: Male, Female, Allstyles

Prizes |
Krump Category: Qualification for the EBS Main Event!
Allstyles Category: Cash Prize!


Judges |
Krump: Noscript (France)
Straight Danger (Czech Republic)
Allstyles: P.Dogg (Germany)

DJ |
DJ Draft X (Germany)


Earlybird Packages (only available until the 26th of May):
2xWorkshops – 25€
3xWorkshops – 40€

After the 26th of May:
15€ per Workshop