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Somatic Sequencing And Gaga With Linda Maria And Gaga Teachers From All Around The World
11. Oktober 2020 | 10:00 - 17:30

Somatic Sequencing And Gaga With Linda Maria And Gaga Techers From All Around The World
OKTOBER 11 | 10:00 – 17:30
Living inside a body is extraordinary; dancing with an awakened sensory body is magic.
In gaga we explore how we move from sensations and how our sensations can be an engine for our movement. We connect to pleasure and playfulness while we are multitasking, challenging our body and mind to become available. The deeper we dive into our sensory body, the more possibilities are opening up. Becoming aware of and differentiating sensations in the many layers of our body creates room for an organic reorganization of our movement habits. It connects us to flow, ease and our passion to move. We enrich our sensitivity and refine our ability to express, in the small and big gestures.
Somatic sequencing
The quality of our perception determines the quality of our movement. We are deep diving into an exploration of our anatomy and internal landscapes, reawakening our sensory body. Through movement, imagery and touch we explore different layers of tissues and their respective function. Fine tuning and differentiating our sensory awareness lets the body reorganize movement patterns and opens up a new range of possibilities in our bodies. We research where and how movement is initiated, how it sequences through the body and orchestrates rhythms and textures. Deep listening into our microcosm enriches our perception and refines our ability to articulate, in the small and big gestures.
More about Gaga you find here: www.gagapeople.com
Ohad Naharins‘ short explanation of what we do in a Gaga-Class:
“We become more aware of our form. We connect to the sense of the endlessness of possibilities. We explore multi-dimensional movement; we enjoy the burning sensation in our muscles, we are ready to snap, we are aware of our explosive power and sometimes we use it. We change our movement habits by finding new ones. We go beyond our familiar limits. We can be calm and alert at once.”
The Gaga/people and Gaga/dancers classes and the Workshops are open to people ages 16+, regardless of their background in dance or movement. No previous dance experience is needed. Because of the inspirations we get from each other and the amazing setting of Gaga well dance-experienced people up to professional dancers are VERY WELCOME!
Somatic Sequencing und Gaga mit Linda Maria und Gaga-LehrerInnen aus aller Welt
Die Qualität unserer Wahrnehmung bestimmt die Qualität unserer Bewegung. Wir tauchen tief in die Erforschung unserer Anatomie und inneren Landschaften ein und erwecken unseren Sinneskörper wieder. Durch Bewegung, Bildsprache und Berührung erforschen wir verschiedene Gewebeschichten und ihre jeweilige Funktion. Durch die Feinabstimmung und Differenzierung unseres sensorischen Bewusstseins kann der Körper Bewegungsmuster neu organisieren und neue Möglichkeiten in unserem Körper eröffnen. Wir untersuchen, wo und wie Bewegung initiiert wird, wie sie sich durch den Körper bewegt und Rhythmen und Texturen orchestriert. Das tiefe Zuhören in unseren Mikrokosmos bereichert unsere Wahrnehmung und verfeinert unsere Fähigkeit, in kleinen und großen Gesten zu artikulieren.
Ohad Naharins ‚kurze Erklärung dessen, was wir in einer Gaga-Klasse tun:
Stundenplan* (Samstag & Sonntag):
- Gaga/people Class: 10:00h – 11:15h
- 15min break
- Somatic Sequencing Workshop AMPLIFY Bodypractice: 11:30h – 13:00h
- 1,5h break
- Gaga/dancers Class: 14:30h – 15:30h
- 15min break
- AMPLIFY Bodylab 15:45h – 17:30h
*Änderungen vorbehalten/ changes reserved