DATE | 17. Dezember 2017
LOCATION | The Unity Dance – Wehlistraße 66 (Millenium City/ 5 Stock), 1200 Wien

Mastermind Dance Intensive proudly present the Workshop Seriez with the incredible Diana Matos! Taking place at The Unity Dance Studio on the 17th of December 2017. One of the best quality training in dance in the capital of Austria , Vienna!

– 5 classes with our main guest Diana Matos
& viennese local teachers.
– 8 hours of quality training in total
– expanding your mind and pushing your body to the limit
– Q&A with Diana Matos
– excellent opportuinity to develop your skills in diverse ways as every teacher offers his/her own personal style and big amonut of knowledge.
– connecting with local and international students
– endless vibes & incredible energy

You cannot miss it , because it’s going to be amazing and magical ,as during the previous edition of Mastermind Dance Intensive back in September.

Be there & master your mind with us!

Prices |

– Unity (Flatrate) Students – € 69,00 – Full Day (5 classes)

-Extern participants – €79,00 – Full Day (5 classes)

Sign up at |

Schedule coming soon…

Stay Tuned for more informations 🙂

One Love!